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Last updated-January, 1, 2001
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Rate Your Mactinosh!
Top 10- Must Have Application
1.Adobe Photoshop (and Adobe Image Ready)
3.Casady & Greene SoundJam MP
4.Alladin Systems Stufflt Deluxe
5.Norton Utlitities
6.Norton Antivirus
7.Apple Works 6
8.Internet Explorer 5
9.Netscape Communicator 4.7
10.Alladin Systems Drag Strip
Top 10- Coolest Applications
1. Macromedia Flash
2. Macromedia Dreamweaver
4. Macromedia Fire Works
3. Action Utilities
4. QuarkXPress
5. Connectix Virtual PC
6. Connectix Virtual Game Station
7. Real Payer 7
8. GERRYICQ , Mirables ICQ
9. Monica
10. Adaptec Toast
Is your Macintosh running smooth?
Note- Some Mac's will be not mentioned so if you want to know about it e-mail me!
eMail, me and tell me your CPU and Specs!